The Treeing Walker breed was founded and has become dominant because of its ability to run and tree game, therefore, this recognizes the need for variety and individuality within the breed as terrain and/or purpose shall demand.

PURPOSE: This standard was formed and revised for the purpose of guiding Bench Show Judges, Breeders, Breed Participants and Single Registration. The Treeing Walker breed was founded and has become dominant because of its ability to run and tree game, therefore, this recognizes the need for variety and individuality within the breed as terrain and/or purpose shall demand.

History of the Treeing Walker Coonhound

The Treeing Walker was developed from certain strains of English Walker Foxhounds. The credit for the development of the Walker Foxhound goes to two men – George Washington Maupin and John W. Walker. Both men were from Kentucky.
Before that time Thomas Walker of Albemarle County, Virginia, imported hounds from England in 1742. George Washington, who was an avid fox hunter, also imported several hounds from England in 1770. These dogs became the foundation strains of the “Virginia hounds”, which were developed into the Walker hound.

At least one major outcross was made in the 19th century that was to forever influence the breed. Strangely, the outcross was with a stolen dog from Tennessee of unknown origin, known as Tennessee Lead.

Lead didn’t look like the Virginia strain of English Foxhounds of that day. But he had an exceptional amount of game sense, plenty of drive and speed and a clear, short mouth.

Walkers were first registered with UKC as part of the English Coonhound breed. Then in 1945, at the request of Walker breeders, UKC began registering them as a separate breed — first as Walkers (Treeing) and then later as Treeing Walkers.


SKULL: Head is carried well up. Occiput bone prominent; cranium broad and full. Head in pleasing proportion to body.

EARS: Of medium length set moderately low. Should hang gracefully, inside part tipping toward muzzle. Should not be too pointed at tip, but slightly round or oval, soft and velvety, hanging with a tendency to roll when head is raised. In proportion to head and body.

EYES: Moderately prominent; set well apart. Open, soft and expressive. Dark in color; brown or black.

MUZZLE: Medium square, rather long. Slightly tapering, with flews sufficient to give a rather square appearance. Stop not too prominent, not too abrupt.

NOSTRILS: Rather large, prominent and black. A slightly sloping nostril not objectionable. Faults: Other colors.

TEETH: Should meet; not overshot or undershot.

DEFECTS: A very flat skull, narrow across the top. Excess of dome. Eyes small, sharp and terrier-like: too protruding. Muzzle long and snipy, cut away below eyes too much, or very short. Roman nosed, or upturned, giving a dish-faced expression. Ears short, set high or with a tendency to rise above the point of origin.


NECK & THOAT: Neck rising free and light from the shoulders. Strong in substance, yet not loaded. Of medium length. Throat should be clean and free from folds of skin. A slight wrinkle below the angle of the jaw, however, is allowable.

DEFECTS: A thick, short neck carried on a line with the top of the shoulders. Throat showing dewlaps and fold of skin. Too “throaty”.

SHOULDERS, CHEST AND RIBS: Shoulders sloping, clean, muscular. Not loaded or heavy in appearance. Conveying the idea of freedom of action, springiness, with activity and strength. Chest should be deep for lung space. Look for depth rather than width. Well-sprung ribs. Back ribs should extend well back, about a three-inch flank allowing for springiness.

DEFECTS: Straight, upright shoulders. Chest disproportionately wide, or with lack of depth. Flat ribs.

BACK AND LOINS: Back moderately long, muscular and strong. Loins broad and slightly arched.

DEFECTS: Very long, swayed or roached back. Flat, narrow loins.

FORELEGS: Straight, with a fair amount of bone. Pasterns short and straight.

FEET: Solid, compact, well padded, giving a catlike appearance. Well arched toes, strong nails for quick get away.

DEFECTS: Out at elbow. Knees knuckled over forward, or bent backward. Forelegs crooked. Feet long, open or spreading.

HIPS, THIGHS, HIND LEGS AND FEET: Hips and thighs strong and well muscled, giving abundance of propelling power. Stifles strong and well let down. Hocks firm, symmetrical and moderately bent. Feet close and firm.

DEFECTS: Cowhocks, or straight hocks. Lack of muscle and propelling power. Open feet.

TAIL: Set rather high. Strong at root. Tapering, moderately long without flag. Carried free, well up, saber-like. Curved gracefully up and forward.

DEFECTS: Too long. Rat tail. Entire absence of brush.

COAT: Smooth haired. Glossy, fine, yet dense enough for protection. A close, hard, hound coat.

DEFECTS: Short, thin coat, or of soft quality.

COLOR: Tri-colored is preferred, white-black-tan. White may be the predominant color, with black spots and tan trim; or black may be the predominant color with white markings and tan trim, such as saddle back, or blanket back. White with tan spots or white with black spots may be accepted.

DEFECTS: Any other color combination will be penalized when shown.

Symmetry or Conformation

Of great importance. Denotes quality.

Defects: Poor conformation.


Preferably a clear, ringing, bugle voice; or a steady, clear chop. Noticeable change at tree.


Slightly more at shoulders than at hips. Shoulders should measure: Males, 22 to 27 inches; Females, 20 to 25 inches.


Should be in proportion to dog’s height. Working dogs not to be penalized when shown if slightly under.

Qualitative Characteristics

Energetic, intelligent, active, courteous, composed, confi-dent, fearless, kind, graceful in pose and while active. Super abundance of sense, endurance, trailing, hunting and treeing instinct and ability.


Working dogs will not be penalized, under any conditions, for scars or blemishes due to hunting injuries.